

Interiors are where we finish our day and end our day.

So make sure you like what you see first thing in the morning & Last thing before bed.


We make sure interior and exterior makes the most out of the living experience. This to ensure the client truly likes the living area, our job is to listen to what their heart has to say and make the best design ever.



Landscaping is very important in the architectural world. Landscaping stands for clam and relaxing environment which give richness to the building standing between it. 


Outdoor event

Outdoor events, garding design and even gattering places. Reality Compare got you to make your dream come thru.



Kitchen design

It Either Make It Or Brake It!

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When designing interiors, there are at least 5 points to keep in mind.

  1. Space Planning: Determining the layout of a space to optimize functionality and flow. This includes the arrangement of furniture, fixtures, and other elements.

  2. Color Palette: Choosing appropriate colors for walls, furniture, and accessories to create a cohesive and visually appealing atmosphere.

  3. Furniture Selection: Selecting and arranging furniture that complements the style and purpose of the space. This involves considering the scale, proportion, and function of each piece.

  4. Texture and Materials: Incorporating various textures and materials, such as fabrics, wood, metal, and stone, to add depth and visual interest to the design.

  5. Decor and Accessories: Selecting and placing decorative elements, such as artwork, sculptures, and other accessories, to personalize and enhance the space.


What is a bathroom without a well develop design?

Storage Solutions, maximize storage space with built-in cabinets, shelves, or vanity units.Use vertical space for storage to keep the floor area clear. Water-resistant and easy-to-clean materials for flooring, walls, and countertops. And last but not least is to choose a color palette that suits the overall style and desired atmosphere of the bathroom.


Landscaping involves the planning, design, and implementation of outdoor spaces, including gardens, yards, and other areas surrounding buildings.
Giantinny Thomasa